thing the old man's wife asked him never to do was look in a old shoebox she kept on the top shelf
of her closet.
“But…why? How?!” he stuttered, totally mystified
by the cash.
“Right before we got married,” the old woman
her astonished husband, “my grandmother told
the secret to a happy marriage was to never
argue. She said if I ever got angry with you, I should keep quiet and crochet a doll.
The old man was touched. There were only two dolls in the shoebox – she had only been angry
with him two times over the course of their marriage. He scooped his wife up and gave her a kiss.
“But where did the money come from?” He asked her.
“Oh, that?” She said with a smile, “that's the money I made from selling the dolls.
Not thinking anything of it, the man never asked about its contents. He just figured it was one of
those things… One day, when the old woman had fallen ill and didn’t have much longer to live, she
called her husband to her hospital bed and told him it was time for him to take a look at the
The old man went home, grabbed the box, and opened it. Inside, there were two crocheted dolls
and bundles of money totaling $95,000!!
“But…why? How?!” he stuttered, totally mystified
by the cash.
“Right before we got married,” the old woman
her astonished husband, “my grandmother told
the secret to a happy marriage was to never
argue. She said if I ever got angry with you, I should keep quiet and crochet a doll.
The old man was touched. There were only two dolls in the shoebox – she had only been angry
with him two times over the course of their marriage. He scooped his wife up and gave her a kiss.
“But where did the money come from?” He asked her.
“Oh, that?” She said with a smile, “that's the money I made from selling the dolls.
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