In this age of social-disconnection most all of us lack that simple human touch from another, the effects of the Free Hugs Campaign are now felt around the globe.
As this simple gesture of kindness and hope spread across the city, police and officials ordered the Free Hugs Campaign BANNED. What we then witnessed was the true spirit of humanity as people came together in what can only be described as something awe inspiring.
In the spirit of the Free Hugs Campaign please pass this video to a friend and HUG a stranger! After all, you CAN make a difference.
Music by Sick Puppies. Their album was release on April 3rd and is titled “Dressed Up As Life”.
The response to this video has been nothing short of overwhelming and touching. Hugs to every single one of you who messaged. There has been thousands of emails from all over the world from people seeking to participate in the Free Hugs Campaign and asking for permission. You don’t need permission. This is the people’s movement, this is *your* movement. With nothing but your bare hands you CAN make a difference.
Source: PeaceOnEarth123 via Truth Theory
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