I’ve received an overwhelming response to my previous MindBodyGreen articlesThe Day I Ditched Pills for Green Juice and How Juicing Changed My Life. I’ve gotten dozens of emails, tweets, Facebook messages, and Instagram comments, asking for the exact green juice recipe that I use daily (sometimes twice day).
Green juice—along with yoga, meditation, exercise, lots of water and a 50% raw diet—has not only gotten rid of my migraines, but has also helped me with depression and anxiety.
I go all organic all the time, no exceptions. It’s a little pricey, but it’s a great investment...Trust Me!
- 4 kale leaves
- 2 handfuls of spinach
- 3 celery stalks with leaves
- 1 knuckle size of ginger root
- 1 cucumber (peeled if not organic)
- 2 fuji apples
This recipe normally yields close to 32 ounces of juice. I consume 16 ounces and my kids split the rest.
Oh, P.S: Kids love green juice!
Photo Credit: Shutterstock.com
source www.mindbodygreen.com
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