Thursday, June 11, 2015

Does your low back feel stiff, achy, and about to spasm, or are you already there? Do these 

seven stretches; perform this sequence three times a day and once the pain is considerably 

less, you can reduce the sequence to once a day, and ultimately three to four times per week. 

When you're ready to start, lie down on the bed or floor (preferably on a carpet, rug or yoga 

mat). Pelvic Tilt Warmup Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. In this 

relaxed position, the small of your back will not be touching the floor. Perform a pelvic tilt by 

tightening your abdominal muscles so that the small of your back presses against the floor. Hold 

for 5 seconds, and then relax. Repeat this move three times and gradually build to 10 

repetitions. Next, take a deep breath and on the exhale contract your abdominals, pulling your 

belly button towards your spine. Hold for 5 to 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Now, you are ready 

to begin stretching.

 Relieve Your Back Pain With These 7 Stretches In Just 7 Minutes


Hamstring Floor Stretch 

What it works? Back of thighs (the hamstrings) 

Hold for 30 seconds. Do this 2 times for each leg. 

Helpful Tip: Contract your abdominals when bringing your legs up.

 2. Knees to Chest Stretch 

What it works? Hips/ Glutes (aka Butt)/ Lower Back

 Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on other leg. 

Helpful Tip: With your abdominals contracted, try to straighten your right leg. If you experience 

any discomfort in your back, leave your right leg bent.

3. Spinal Stretch 

What it works? Lower Back/ Obliques 

Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat on other knee. 

Helpful Tip: Contract your abdominals before bringing your knees up and over.

4. Piriformis Stretch

What it works? The Glutes 

Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with other leg. 

Helpful Tip: Contract your abdominals before crossing your leg and resting your foot on the opposite knee.

 5. Hip Flexors Stretch 

What it works? Hips/ Front of thighs (quadriceps)

 Hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat stretch. 

Helpful Tip: Remember to contract your abdominals, keep your shoulders down and back 


 6. Quadriceps Lying Down Stretch 

What it works? Front of thighs (quadriceps)

 Hold for 30 seconds. Switch sides and repeat stretch. 

Helpful Tip: Contract your abdominals before grasping the top of your foot and bringing it to 

your butt. 

7A. Total Back Stretch

7B. Then Try This…

What it works? Entire back, shoulders, arms. Hold for 10 seconds.


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