When Amy Briggs speaks about her son Daniel, her pride for him is readily apparent: a boy with a big heart that always wanted to help and did so by caring for his neighbor with cancer. But the 16-year-old is no longer alive. Daniel killed himself. He was harassed and bullied for 9 years straight - cursed at, pelted with trash, and pushed in front of busses. But it was one text’s terrible content that finally pushed him over the edge. Daniel saw no other way out. When Daniel's mother speaks about what was done to her son and how she found him in his room every syllable is loaded with anguish. But Amy Briggs has something important to say:

Over 4 million people have seen the story of Daniel’s dreadful fate. No one can ignore this mourning mother’s plea against bullying without feeling touched. Share this heart-wrenching video, for the message must not remain unheard.
credits www.hefty.co
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