Thursday, July 23, 2015

Our body, both on the outside and on the inside, is an incredible machine maintained by a number of factors such as our daily diet, daily routine and lifestyle. It often sends us messages from which we can see in what state our body is.
Here are five very important messages that you need to recognize, because it might save your life.
  1. 1.Urine
Going to the toilet in the morning can reveal a lot more than signs of inflammation and pregnancy. Our urine holds about 70 percent of the markers by which you can find out about the condition of your body. The color and smell of your urine is an important indicator of health, here are the details:
By the color of the urine you can mostly see the degree of hydration of the body. Lighter color is definitely preferable to darker which can indicate dehydration or worsened functioning of the kidneys, responsible for cleaning the blood from harmful toxins.When your body feels that the it needs water, it doesn’t make you urinate. The less water urinated, the darker the color.
The frequency of urination
Urinating too often can point to a number of (not) dangerous occurrences, from diabetes to excessive consumption of alcohol or coffee, pregnancy and weakened muscles. In addition to the known problem of ‘stress incontinence’ or loss of urine due to sneezing, coughing, laughing, or other physical activities. The ‘Kegel exercises’ – conscious pelvis muscle contraction can help with this.
“Changes in the smell, color or density of urine can detect the state of our bodies and provide early warnings of disease”
The smell of urine varies depending on the food we eat, the best example for proving that is eating asparagus, which affects the body by intensifying the smell of body fluids. If you do not have any other warning symptoms such as dark and dense urine, the odor should not worry you too much.
Blood in the urine
Blood in the urine is a worrying sign of a disease of the urinary tract or a kidneys disease. One of the most common causes are kidney stones which pass through the urethra, causing damage to the mucosa and bleeding. If you see it, make a complete diagnostic evaluation.
To maintain your urinary organs healthy you simply need to live a lifestyle that includes a diet rich with fruits and vegetables, regular physical activity and adequate water intake. Make sure that you avoid being thirsty, which is a sign that the body is already in the degree of dehydration.
  1. 2.Teeth
In addition to controlling the health of your teeth and gums, by regularly going to the dentist, you can find out a lot about the state of your body. Specifically, changes in the oral cavity can be one of the first indicators of diseases affecting your heart, lungs, gastrointestinal tract or other parts of your body. Do not ignore changes in the teeth and gums, but seek the help of experts.
Inflammation and bleeding gums
If the gums are inflamed and bleed when you’re brushing your teeth, there is a high probability that you suffer from some form of gum disease or diabetes. In fact, studies have shown that people with diabetes have a greater risk of developing gum disease, compared to people who do not suffer from diabetes.
Gum disease is a result of bacterial infection. Gums can be sensitive to bacteria and microorganisms present in the oral cavity. Studies have shown that proper oral hygiene does not necessarily mean that your gums will be resistant, but only the chances of getting a disease or some kind of complication will be reduced.
Teeth cracks
Cracked teeth are an indispensable part of aging, but can also be a sign of acid reflux. When you suffer from acid reflux, acid from the stomach begins to return to the esophagus, and you have the symptoms of heartburn.

Chronic reflux of stomach acid can damage the enamel of the teeth and the teeth in general. They can become weaker and more sensitive, which makes them easier to crack. Reflux of stomach acid can cause faster deterioration and aging of the teeth.

Chronic wounds in the mouth
It is completely normal, from time to time, to have a wound in the mouth, especially if you have a habit of biting your lips. If these wounds do not pass within two weeks, you should definitely visit the dentist. Probably not a question of anything dangerous, but in the most serious cases there is a possibility that it is cancer of the oral cavity.
Studies have shown that each year there is an increasing number of people suffering from cancer of the oral cavity, and smokers are in the high risk category. Worst of all is the fact that the survival rate of oral cancer is quite low. This is why it is important to regularly check your mouth, so that if you happen to have cancer, it will be detected in the earliest stage.
The withdrawal of the gums and teeth looseness
Believe it or not, the dentist can be the first expert to recognize the signs of osteoporosis. Gum recession, looseness and falling teeth are some of the first signs of osteoporosis, a disease that is very common in women over the age of 50.
Osteoporosis can be difficult to recognize because it rarely occurs suddenly. The symptoms are subtle until the bones become very weak and brittle. However, the dentist may notice the first symptoms on the teeth, so you’ll have time to stop the osteoporosis from getting any worse.
Plaque and soreness of the gums
Did you know that the plaque that builds up on your teeth is completely the same as the one that can causes a heart attack or a stroke? Studies have shown that inflammation of the gums is one of the most common causes of heart disease. Bacteria from the mouth enter the bloodstream, which can cause formation of blood clots and thickening of the arteries.
A dentist can help with routine and regular checks.  The dentist will be able to recognize infection on time and recommend you the steps to heal the soreness of the gums and reduce the accumulation of dental plaque. Here is a natural way to help with the plaque.
  1. 3.Weight
Weight gain or weight loss is a phenomenon that happens to everyone over time, and depends mostly on your diet, lifestyle and stress. But sudden and significant weight gain should not be ignored.
If you gain a lot of weight in a short period of time it can point to hormonal imbalance and thyroid problems, or to water retention or heart and kidney problems or pregnancy. The same applies to sudden weight loss.
  1. 4.Skin
The skin is the largest organ that is exposed to external influences every day. This is why it is important to monitor the changes that occur on the skin’s surface. After showering and before application of care agents look at your skin, and use two mirrors for the places on your back that you can’t see.
If you notice some significant changes such as color changes, new growths, spots or dark moles, go to a dermatologist and get checked. Examination by a dermatologist is very easy and painless, and it can prevent many diseases including melanoma.
  1. 5.Nails
The nails can be a very elegant decoration for your hands, but their function is more important. Small and big changes on the hands and toes may indicate a variety of diseases.

Pale nails
Changes in the brightness of the nails can actually be a very light nail injury or an injury to the tissue under the nail. But, such a change may also indicate anemia and lack of red blood cells which indicates that we should do a blood test.

Anemia is caused by low levels of iron in the blood and so it is important to change your diet and enrich it with leafy fresh vegetables, beetroot and beans.
Brittle, thin and separate nails
Although thin and brittle nails can be a cause of genetics or calcium deficiency, such changes may be associated with irregular work of the thyroid. This gland is located in the neck, and is responsible for the regulation of metabolism, energy and growth.
Too little hormone secretion leads to excessive hair loss, thin and extremely fragile nails, slow growth of the nail and separation of the nail from the skin. If you notice these changes, see a doctor, and the state of the gland can be checked by a simple blood test.
Yellow and thickened nails
Thickening of the nails mostly occurs on the toes, and is accompanied by the yellowing. These changes are typical for fungal disease that usually extends to the entire surface of the nail.
Classic coatings and creams are usually not effective because it is a disease that is within and beneath the nail which is why such funds are difficult or impossible to absorb in the wall of the nail. If you want to get rid of these unsightly changes seek medical advice which may recommend adequate anti-fungal pills.
White lines on nails
The horizontal white line across the width of the nail, which appear in more fingers are called Muehrcke lines, and may indicate a lack of protein and other nutrients, or kidney disease and abnormalities of the liver.
If you notice these changes,consume more proteins in your diet, and if the condition of the nail remains unchanged after a month, then go to a doctor.
Bruised nails
Blue-bruised color beneath the surface of the nail is a sign that your body lacks oxygen. The cause may be a disease of the respiratory tract or the cardiovascular system. Bruising under the nail may also be caused by poor circulation or exposure to very low temperatures, but if you notice such a significant change you should consult with a doctor.


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