Which one do you think New Yorkers more likely to give to?
A man asking money for his family or a homeless drug addict asking money for drugs and alcochol?
The streets of New York City are known as a harsh place. Being homeless in The Big Apple is a tough gig. Coby Persin decided to test people’s generosity in his latest video and set up a very interesting comparison.
Two people (both played by him). One a young guy by himself with a sign saying, ‘Homeless – Need money for weed, drugs and alcohol’. The other? A young father holding up a sign that reads, ‘Homeless single father – Need money for family’…
Which do you think elicits the most amount of sympathy and help from random members of the public? Well, you might be surprised…
We couldn’t believe how this went when we first watched it. It’s very strange… Make sure you stick around to see what goes down at the end, though. What would you do?
“Sometimes those that have less, are the ones that give more…”
Check out the video below, and please SHARE this wonderful story with your friends on FACEBOOK , or any of your "preferred social media" buttons available on your left right or bottom !
source readsharecare.blogspot.com
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