With the help of exercise, a healthy diet, and a stomach stapling, Simone fights her way to the finish line. On Facebook, she documents every step to her dream figure. She quickly collects over 65,000 fans on Facebook as the pounds melt off. The result after barely a year is breathtaking: “I am officially half the person I was 11 months ago!” writes Simone. “From 169 to 83 kg (370 pounds to 180), I simply can’t describe what that means to me!”

While many celebrate Simone as an inspiration for others suffering with their weight, some claim her before and after pictures are fake. “I don’t believe that’s the same person - her phone is hiding her face. People who lose weight so fast normally have extreme amounts of excess skin. This skinny lady could NEVER be the same person as the overweight woman!” write skeptics on her wall.

Simone is shocked. But she is determined to show everyone how hard she worked: “I don't know why but every single comment that called me out for being fake and a liar really bothered me far more than it should. I think it's because it took hours of crying and debating whether to share my story online and for others to see. Throughout my whole journey I have tried to be so honest… So here we go I hope this helps all the 'non-believers'! … Yes I have loose skin and stretch marks!"

What a brave act! Simone has silenced all her critics forever. And with her openness she has also given courage to many other people that suffer from the same problems after losing large amounts of weight. “It completely surprised me how many people responded to my photo,” she reflects happily. “But I am proud that I had the gumption to do so. And it has influenced people in a way that I never could have imagined!”

Simone Anderson didn’t just reach her dream weight in 11 months, but she has also shown - with her courageous picture - what it really means to lose a lot of weight - and she got the best of all the skeptics and critics! If this transformation also floored you, then share these impressive pictures.
source www.hefty.co
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