Thursday, November 12, 2015

Lemons are the best fruit to treat colds and sore throat successfully, but if you add honey and ginger than you get a powerful elixir that is worth gold.  
This is not only a refreshing lemonade with a mint touch that gives a rich aroma and lasting taste.
This is your best drink and medicine that you can give your body for refreshment and healing.
Icy honey ginger mint lemonade
You will need:

7 sprigs fresh mint
4 cups ice cubes
2 cups purified water
1 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
1/2 cup honey
1/4 cup peeled fresh ginger slices
1. In a big jug put the sliced ginger and press them to release their juice and powerful aroma
2. Pour the lemon juice and start stirring while you add the honey. Stir while pressing the ginger and some of the mint to release flavor.
3. Pour the water and go on mixing until the honey dissolves
4. Add the ice cubes

5. Take six 10 oz glasses and pour the lemonade. Put a straw and mint leaves for decoration
The C vitamin of the lemons with the endless healthy ingredients of the honey and the ginger make this drink an elixir for a happy life.
Warning: Not suitable for children under the age of three! The honey may cause allergies.
It is great for all other consumers to treat colds, allergies and sore throat.
Try and share this recipe with your loved ones because it is worth it.


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