Advertising is really effective in convincing the people that Nutella is one of those healthy meals, although it surely cannot be listed in the group of healthy foods. We cannot say that all the ingredients included in Nutella are unhealthy or GMOs, but sometimes only one is enough to make the product bad for us. Nutella includes four unhealthy ingredients.
The Dangers of Nutella:
Many people will disagree with this, since the Asian civilizations eat soy regularly for centuries. In fact, they eat small quantities of naturally grown soybeans, which is not the case with the western culture today where soy is consumed in large amounts. To be more specific, we are talking about soy lecithin which is harmful for our health. It is linked with the thyroid depression, uncontrolled weight gain, fatigue, delay menstruation, premature entry into puberty and breast cancer.
We are talking about the sugar originated from GMO sugar beef which is pretty cheap and loaded with pesticides and altered sugar that our body is unable to recognize. Its price is the most important thing. The fact that these sugars are also known as neurotoxins because they can cross the blood brain barrier and cause elimination of brain cells is ignored. They are also linked with cases like ADD, ADHD, depression, autism, migraine, anxiety, etc.
Skim Milk
Every milk product has image of green meadows and happy cows on their package, but the reality is totally different. The milk inside is not a skim milk, but pus filled milk of ill cows that eat GMO corn, consume antibiotics and many other things that we aren’t aware of in order to reduce costs, which eventually leads to diseases milk. All of this leads to odorless milk white liquid that includes powdered milk. Powdered milk is loaded with the most harmful type of cholesterol you can find.
You can notice that the label says ‘no artificial colors’, but they forgot to write the unnatural flavors like vanillin. Vanillin is able to bluff your brain and cause you to feel the true vanilla flavor. Your brain is in delusion which makes the vanillin winner in this case. It also has neurotoxin properties and eliminates the brain cells. Moreover, vanillin is very harmful for us because it makes us addictive through linking with the receptors in the brain and secreting serotonin, the hormone of happiness. It is made in China petroleum-based factories and this country is the greatest producer of vanillin around the world.
This should be enough for you to say no to neurotoxins, GMO sugar, inexpensive and unnatural vanilla and finally say a big NO to Nutella.
Source: http://tdhealthyfood.com/
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