Do you believe you know all you need to when you drink Dasani bottled water? Do you know its ingredients and their effects?
This type of bottled water has four ingredients: salt, tap water, potassium chloride, and magnesium sulfate. Its lables asserts that these are added to enrich its taste, but this comination alters much more.
Ingredient #1: Salt
Since sodium is an added ingredient to numerous processed foods, it is responsible for the bad reputation of table salts as well. Yet, table salts are infrequently harmful, unlike sodium, which when added to processed foods may cause numerous dangerous health effects.
Yet, if you have only one Dasani bottled water a day, it will not be that harmful, but if you consume 6, or more bottles, the amount will be too high and it may hamr your health.
Ingredient #2: Tap Water.
The owner of Dasani is Coca- Cola, and it actually bottles tap water, which may often have a different taste from spring water. This is a rather absurd fact, since if you want to drink tap water, you can drink it directly from the tap.
Ingredient #3: Magnesium Sulfate/ Epsom Salts or Bath Salts.
Magnesium sulfate is a laxative, a drying agent, and FDA Pregnancy Category D Teratogen. According to its nature, it is a drying agent, which may be the reason why your mouth gets dry often while drinking Dasani water.
However, it is strange to learn that Coca-Cola has added such an ingredient to its drink whose primary aim is to quench thirst.
It would be logical to conclude that its real aim is to stimulate the customer to buy another bottle of this water, or maybe, some other sofrt drink. It is a remarkably designed ploy, you must admit.
On the other hand, magnesium sulfate is extremely useful in medicine. Namely, due to its ability to prevent contractions, it has been used to delay labor.
Yet, it is rarely practiced nowadays, as it has been suggested by newest studies that its high doses may lead to birth defects. Namely, it has been pointed out that 5-7 days of in utero exposure to higher amounts of magnesium sulfate may lead to birth defects, so the FDA recommended its classification as a Category D Teratogen. B
ut, pregnant women are not aware of these facts when drinking this water, and this has a detrimental effect on their babies.That is to say, after just 5-7 days, these babies suffered from alterations of the structure of their bones, as well as bone weakening.
Consequently, due to its human fetal risk, it has been classified as a known teratogen (Pregnancy Category D) by the FDA. Regarding its bitter taste, it is left vague how this ingredient can enrich the taste of water.
Ingredient #4: Potassium Chloride.( FDA Pregnancy Category C)
The fourth ingredient in Dasani water is also a rather disturbing one, as it is actually a known fertilizer, and commonly found in lethal injections used to stop the heart. Also, it is also used to stop the heart of the fetus in the case of late trimester abortions.
Despite its potential to cause birth defects, potassium chloride has innumerate other side- effects, including nausea, dyspepsia or heartburn, GI tract bleeding, bowel lesions, gastrointestinal disruptions, damage of the nervous system, cardiac arrhythmias, abdominal pain, diarrhea, muscle weakness, hypersensitivity, and even more.
Again, the taste of potassium chloride, is desribed as “weak, bitter, unsalty flavor” with a “chemical or metallic aftertaste” which can in no way enhance the taste of Dasani water.
Undoubtedly, in their natural forms, magnesium and potassium are ectremely important to the body. Yet, if separated from their natural source, their activity is significantly altered. This explains why it is easier to overdose on potassium chloride than on bananas.
Hence, after you know all this, do you think it is wise to knowingly endanger your health and continue to drink Dasani water?
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