After a woman had her world rocked with a cancer diagnosis, she has turned to social media to spread awareness and encourage others to get any suspicious growths and marks on their bodies checked out as soon as possible.

Just weeks before her cancer diagnosis, Melanie Williams, 36, first noticed a strange dark spot appearing under her thumbnail.
She thought it was only a fungal infection or a wart. But she was about to have her entire world rocked.
The truth was much worse.
“Sadly not,” Williams posted on Facebook when she learned it wasn’t a wart but cancer.
The mother of three was diagnosed with melanoma, a form of skin cancer that surgery could remove.
“I’ve been lucky, the cancer [hasn’t] spread and it’s being removed next week along with half of my thumb,” she wrote. “This may have not been the case if I’d left it and not got it checked out.”
Williams made it clear that her skin cancer appeared quickly in just a matter of weeks.
“I don’t want your sympathy, I want more awareness,” she wrote. “Therefore, please go and get any changes or growths on your skin checked out, please tell people around you to get checked as well.”
Williams seems to have accomplished her mission. Since she shared her photo on July 8, her post has been shared on Facebook 120,000 times.
What do you think about this form of cancer?
Source : Super Tasty Recipes
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