Saturday, November 12, 2016

(Life Coach Code) One day, a famous wise man started to doubt God’s goodness. He started doubting God’s goodness because of his observations. He saw the world being a mess, wars and people killing each other, he saw how men destroy the planet… And while the same people who were responsible for the destruction of the planet were praised and getting richer, the good men who were simply born in bad places were suffering homeless on the street.
The thing that pushed him over, however, was when he saw a little girl in a torn dress shivering alone on the streets, hungry and homeless in midst of a cold winter. When the wise man saw this little girl suffering he thought to himself:

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“Oh God, how could you possibly 

allow something like this? Why can’t 

you do something about that little 

Immediately he received an answer to his 

“Oh I can! And I did! I created you!”
This story is a lesson for all of us. We don’t 

take ourselves in consideration when we see 

the bad things happening in the world. No 

matter if your faith is in science, religion or 

something else, your actions matter. If you 

see something that you don’t like about the 

world, try to change it. If you see people 

suffering, help them. If you see a lack of 


give it. And even if you don’t change the 

world, you will change someone’s world. 


that’s enough. That’s what really matters. 

One small act of kindness at a time. If God 

exists that’s how he works, through you!

 This post was republished 

from You can find the 

original post here.


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