Mornings can be tough and winter always makes them tougher. So whenever I stumble across hacks that help my days start as smoothly as possible, I’m all over it! One of the biggest time savers I’ve tried myself is this sock trick for fogged up windows.
Socks vs. Foggy Windows

The trick is actually so simple, and you only have to make it once. After that, you leave it inside your car for the whole season and let it work its magic. What do you do? Fill a sock with kitty litter!
Cat litter is specifically designed to absorb moisture (for obvious reasons), including moisture in the air around it. Without extra water trapped in the air inside your car, there will be much less, if any condensation on the inside of your windows.
This works in the winter because the outside temperature is lower than inside your car, which is what contributes to the condensation on the inside of your windshield. However, the same underlying problem is what causes your windows to fog in the summer on a cool rainy day. Consider this: if you have a cold glass of water outside, condensation appears on the outside of the glass. This excess water comes from the warm air that comes into contact with the glass.
How to De-Fog Your Window With Cat Litter
First of all, I would recommend the crystal cat litter, since it doesn’t have much of a smell. I first tried the regular clumping litter, but found it left a dusty smell in my car that I was not a fan of. Watch this video for a quick how-to plus 2 other perfect ways to get rid of the window problem.
What You Need:
- old sock
- masking tape
- crystal cat litter
What To Do:
- Wrap the ends of the sock around your roll of tape to make it easy to pour.
- Fill the “foot” of the sock with litter.
- Tie off the ankle and flip the rest of the sock back over the foot section (OR: fill the sock completely and tie the end off with a string).
- Place the sock on your dashboard. I made multiple and put some in the back of my car as well.
If you have any other awesome winter morning hacks, please share them with us! We’d love to hear your ideas.- source
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