Friday, June 2, 2017

The nurse was shocked after he tried to walk as if he was used to it!
Taking care of a newborn baby can be tiring especially for new moms. New moms cannot get enough sleep, and we all know that changing diapers can be a hard task. But as we see these little angels slowly develop, we immediately feel at ease. Every parent looks forward to a baby’s first words, first smile, and of course—their first step.
Since babies are very delicate and their bones are still very fragile, it takes a few months before they could start crawling, then walking. But this baby is making waves in the internet after he started walking only a few minutes after being born! Unbelievable? You best believe it!
As a nurse was trying to clean this baby up after birth, they were shocked as the baby moved his legs as if he was used to walking. He continued to ‘walk’ whilst the nurse held on to his upper body so that he won’t topple over.
After a few moments, the nurse tried to sit the baby down so that she could clean him, but the baby ‘stood up’ again, and tried to walk once more! 

Watch the unbelievable clip below:


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