But this little concoction you can make at home has experts agreeing, it’s more effective than toothpaste at getting your mouth clean!
It’s extremely simple, all you need is some coconut oil, baking powder and some food grade flavoring to taste, and you’ll have an amazing homemade toothpaste that’s better for you than anything you can find on the shelves at Walmart! Take a look below and find out how to make it yourself and try it today.
Here are the steps on how to make your own Coconut oil toothpaste!
1. Prepare and clean a small jar with a tight lid. A baby food jar or small Mason jar will do.
2. Mix 1 part Coconut Oil with 1 part Baking Soda.
3. Add 3-5 drops of Sweet Orange, Peppermint, or other food-grade essential oils to flavor.
4. Allow your paste to cool and set.
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