You all probably have heard a few from the hundreds benefits of apple cider vinegar, but that list seems to grow every single day. We are aware that raw, organic, unfiltered and unpasteurized, apple cider vinegar is so much more than a salad dressing! Today, we list some of the most important uses of this amazing item. Read them and see what this remedy can do for you!
We will give an overview of the most prominent uses of apple cider vinegar as published by several eminent media, summing up the most interesting ones.
1. It reduces Sunburns and Insect Stings
Apple cider vinegar can help treat sunburn or bug bite. For pest stings, apply Apple Cider Vinegar straight to the infected area. In case of sunburn, use Apple Cider Vinegar and water in equal proportions and apply to the skin with a cotton fabric to reduce burn. Furthermore, you can relax in shower with moderately hot water and a cup of Apple Cider Vinegar.
2. Cures Dandruff
Apple Cider Vinegar has big effect in fighting dandruff. Mix it with equivalent proportions of water and put on your scalp with a cloth or a spraying bottle. Keep on for 60-120 minutes with a bathing cap and then rinse. In order to achieve maximum results, repeat this procedure at least once or twice a week.
3. Candida
Candida is a parasitic bacteria which cause yeast overgrowth, which results in low energy, poor digestion, yeast infections, canker sores and other uncomfortable symptoms.
When a person has a poor diet, high in refined sugar and carbohydrates, candida overgrowth often occurs often. It can take over when the gut flora compromised by antibiotic use or birth control.
ACV is an effective tool in the struggle of draining candida. Apple cider vinegar works by improving digestion and creates an acid/alkaline balance more aligned with promoting healthy bacteria to once again thrive in the gut. Moreover, it has been used since time eternal as a cure for foot fungus and is great for killing molds.
Since yeast is a fungus, ACV would help in keeping the parasite at bay, even though there is no specific analysis of ACV directly as a candida killer. Lemon water can also be a great ally in the treatment of Candida.
4. Lowers Bad Cholesterol and Prevents Cardiovascular Disease
High cholesterol can lead to various heart ailments. Once bad cholesterol clogs the arteries, there is a huge risk of cardiac arrest.
Our amazing remedy can help in its reduction, since it contains chlorogenic acids that help lower LDL or bad cholesterol, preventing it from accumulating and crystalizing in the bloodstream.
A study done on over 70,000 women proved that an increased intake of oil and vinegar salad dressing reduced the risk of ischemic heart disease. However, research was done to rats only, which may or may not translate to same results on humans.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar is Rich in Acetic Acid
Acetic acid may help control blood pressure and fat accumulation, as found in a Japanese research study. European researchers looked at the influence of sodium acetate and acetic acid on blood glucose and other biological responses to a mixed meal in healthy subjects.
Acetic acid is in fact a bacterion found in vinegar that is a byproduct of the fermentation process, it is not vinegar. The acetic acid bacteria grow inside the liquid during the fermentation process, and as the fermentation process goes along, it slowly grows to become a nontoxic slime. People call it the “mother”. This ingredient is responsible for the tart flavor and the biting odor of vinegar.
Some vinegar manufacturers remove the “mother” using a filtration process, but for best results, you should opt for the raw, unfiltered variety that contains the mother. Acetic acid content in vinegar varies between 4 to 7% in distilled vinegar and 5 to 6% in wine vinegar. Bragg unfiltered ACV (one of the more popular brands) contains 5.14% of acetic acid.
6. Apple cider vinegar prevents the onset of Diabetes by lowering Postprandial Glycemia
Postprandial glycemia refers to the elevated blood sugar levels that occur after a meal, and represents a major factor why pre-diabetics progress to type 2 diabetics. The term pre-diabetes means that an individual has elevated blood glucose levels, but not high enough to be considered as type-2 diabetes. It can lead to type 2 diabetes in only 10 years or less, if left undiagnosed.
Arizona University researchers discovered that drinking vinegar juice that included 20 grams of apple cider vinegar, 49 grams of water and 1 teaspoon of saccharine after a meal (bagel and orange juice) resulted in a 35% decrease.
Postprandial glycemia can also be reduced by walking around for 15 minutes after a meal.
7. It has Cancer-Fighting Properties
Cancer is a silent killer of the modern era. In 2014 over 1.6 million people in the United States tested positive for cancer and there were over half a million deaths. Research has shown that vinegar can at least shrink and kill some types of cancer cells.
Vinegar is found to have anti-tumor properties thanks to the acetic acid bacteria but may provide various effects depending on the type of cancer. One study was done in Serbia, and the results showed that vinegar consumption increased bladder cancer 4.4 times.
However in a separate study done in Japan, it was discovered that vegetable and vinegar consumption reduced the risk of oesophageal cancer.
8. Vinegar Can Help in Losing Weight
A Japanese study was conducted on both, mice and people, and proved that acetic acid found in vinegar could prevent the accumulation of body fat.
On one hand, in their study laboratory, scientists fed two groups of mice with a high-fat diet. Afterwards, one group was given acetic acid and one group was not. The mice that were given acetic acid developed less body fat (up to 10%) compared to mice that were not given acetic acid.
On the other hand, 175 obese but healthy people were divided into two groups by the researchers. Both groups had a similar diet but one group had plain water and the other had some vinegar. At the end of 12 weeks the people who had the vinegar lost an average of 1 to 2 pounds.
9. Reduces Bacterial Infections on Teeth
A research was done on 100 teeth that were exposed to the E. faecalis, and the results proved that apple cider vinegar was able to reduce bacterial count, but not completely remove it. Note that this experiment was not done on live teeth inside the mouth, but on teeth extracted through a root canal.
10. Research Shows That Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help Type-2 Diabetics Improve Insulin Sensitivity
The American Diabetes Association in 2004 did a research where people were divided into3 groups. These 3 groups include people with type 2 diabetes and non-diabetic individuals who are either insulin sensitive (these are control subjects) or insulin resistant. 29 people in all participated in the study.
People were given a concoction of 20 grams apple cider vinegar, 40 grams of water and a teaspoon of saccharine. After 2 minutes, they were given a meal that consisted of a white bagel, orange juice and butter.
The results showed that apple cider vinegar increased insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant individuals by 34% and type 2 diabetics by 19%.
Dr. Mercola who also cited the study claimed that the type 2 diabetics who participated in the study improved blood glucose levels by 25%, while pre-diabetics had lower blood glucose compared to healthy individuals (control subjects) who participated.
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