There are times that we feel life is being too hard on us, sometimes we want to give up. However, when I read this man’s story on Facebook, I’m inspired. See below why…
While some fully abled individuals pretend to be disabled, so people will commiserate and give them alms, this man is the opposite. He didn’t see his disability as a hindrance and works hard with dignity to earn money.
The hardworking vendor is often seen at a market in Caloocan City, Philippines, selling buko salad.

Despite his disability, the old man uses his roughly modified wheelchair to sell his goods rather than beg for money.

The photos originally posted on Facebook by A. Sabalza, who took the snaps, have gone viral online and garnered positive reactions. The disabled man has been praised for showing his determination and inspired many netizens.

Facebook page Proud Pinoy indicated that he deserves to gain help. If anyone wishes to be his angel, you can find him there at the market or you can seek the help of Mr. Sabalza.
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