If you are one of those who believe that over-the-counter mosquito repellents are the best solution against the bites of these pesky insects, we need to inform you that many of them are loaded with harmful ingredients and toxins, which may significantly damage your health if ingested or absorbed into the skin.
Even though it is not scientifically proven which type of people are more prone to the bites of these insects, apparently, certain odors are believed to be the main culprit.
Namely, those with higher concentrations of steroids or cholesterol on the surface of the skin attract more mosquitoes, as well as those who produce higher amounts of certain acids, likeuric acid. Thus, these substances stimulate the sense of smell of these insects.
Moreover, experts also believe that people who give off larger amounts of carbon dioxide, like in the case of pregnancy or excess body weight, attract mosquitoes. those who are overweight or pregnant, are mosquito magnets.
Also, if you sit by a fire, or play kickball outside, you give off higher amounts of carbon dioxide.
Additionally, despite the annoying itching caused by these bites, mosquitoes may also carry severe diseases, and spread them to humans, including:
* Yellow Fever – can cause chills, jaundice, and vomiting
* Chikungunya – causes rashes, joint pain, and nausea
* Snowshoe Hare Virus – can cause vomiting, rashes, dizziness
* La Crosse Encephalitis – leads to nausea and fever
* Malaria – leads to vomiting, fever, chills
* Zika – related to birth defects
* Jamestown Canyon Virus – can cause flu-like symptoms
* Dengue – may cause hemorrhagic fever
* West Nile – leads to rashes, fever, joint pain, and vomiting
* Rift Valley Fever – leads to eye damage, dizziness, weakness
Only in the United States, there are 175 different kinds of mosquitoes, so you need to learn how to protect yourself and your family from these harmful insects.
What you may not know is that vitamin B1, or thiamine, is a water-soluble vitamin, which is essential for your overall health, it boosts immunity, reduces stress, but it is also useful as it repels mosquitoes!
It can be found in foods like kale, eggplant, sunflower seeds, onions, broccoli, green beans, summer squash, spinach, and cabbage.
The thing is that, in the case of sufficient amounts of this vitamin in the body, it will release a “yeasty” smell to mosquitoes, and make you unattractive to them, and they will stay far away from you.
What’s more, people are not able to smell this odor.
Furthermore, you can also eliminate these insects and keep them at bay with the use of a natural, homemade bug spray. There are various ways to make your homemade sprays, and the one we suggest includes organic apple cider vinegar and fresh parsley. This is how to prepare it:
Add a handful of fresh parsley to a mortar and pestle, and pour 4 oz of apple cider vinegar. Mash them and leave the mixture for several hours. Next, strain it, and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle, in the fridge. If you want to enrich its smell, you can add some essential oil to your smell.
This repellent spray is completely safe for use, and it can cause no adverse effects. The following video will provide the needed instructions to make it:
source www.enlightenplanet.com
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