proliferation of the cells may result in tumors which can be cancerous or benign. There are
more than 100 types of cancer classified by the type of cells involved. Angiogenesis is a
physiological process which creates blood vessels in the body. This process activates when we
suffer an injury and the body needs rebuilt blood vessels in order to start the healing, but
angiogenesis is related to cancer as well.
The process is regulated by inhibitors and activators – although cancer is closely related to
inhibitors, the activators are responsible for stimulating the vascular cell growth which is
important for angiogenesis. As the disease and process are entwined, we need to stop the
angiogenesis in order to defeat cancer. Although it sounds hard, it’s as easy as including the
following foods in your diet:
1. Turmeric. This health spice and its active compound curcumin can stop angiogenesis and
prevent the development and spread of cancer. 2. Green Tea. Drinking green tea every day is
highly beneficial. According to several studies, it has the ability to stop cancer. 3. Tomatoes.
Tomatoes contain a compound known as lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can
lower the risk of cancer. According to studies, lycopene is broken down to fat, and increases in
amount when subjected to high temperatures. This means that cooked tomatoes work best
against cancer. 4. Blueberry And Raspberry Extract. These berries are rich in special
phytochemicals that can prevent oxidative stress, angiogenesis and cancer. 5. Dark Chocolate.
Dark chocolate possesses powerful anticancer properties and should be consumed on a daily
basis. However, make sure to eat just a bit – too much of it can create other health problems.
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